We've Moved!
Office: 325 S. Moorpark Road,
Thousand Oaks, CA 91361
Administrative Fee Policy
Our practice has implemented an annual Administrative Services Fee to be paid by all its
patients to cover the significant amount of time we have to spend on providing these
administrative services which are not covered by any federal, state or private health insurance
coverage. The Administrative Services do not include medical services, which are generally
covered under most insurance policies. Rather, these Administrative Services cover the costs of
services that make our practice unique, including 24-hour call service, providing documentation
to employers when necessary and upon consent, expedited copies of medical file, calling/e-
scribing prescriptions and refills, the ability to schedule telemedicine appointments, and
assisting patients with insurance claims. The annual Administrative Services Fee is $50.00 per
patient, to be paid annually.
There is no change in our current policy regarding co-payments, deductibles, etc. The office
continues to operate as it has in the past simply with the addition of the required annual
Administrative Services Fee. To be clear, this is not to be considered concierge medicine – the
office will continue to operate in the way that it has, continuing to utilize your insurance.
This has not been an easy decision. Please know it has become necessary to implement this
new policy due to the continuing deterioration of the economics of managing an office-based
OB/GYN medical practice as third-party payors have not increased the fees paid to us in well
over a decade sufficient to cover the increased costs of running our practice.
We have explored our options including an increase in our patient visits per day to combat the
reduction in fees paid per visit, which would in turn decrease the amount of time we spend
with our patients. Our desire is to preserve our small medical practice structure and culture,
maintain independence, and keep our daily visits at a manageable level. This will enable us to
protect and promote what has been important to us since we opened, which is our goal of
providing the highest level of medical care along with personal service.
The annual Administrative Services Fee you pay will allow us to increase the number of staff
and/or staff hours needed to complete prescription refills, phone third-party payors to obtain a
variety of required pre-authorizations, coordinate referrals to specialists, make follow-up calls,
and review and complete paperwork such as insurance forms, disclosures, and other
government and employer forms. Administrative needs have increased significantly since the
onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and have put a further strain on our system. To be realistic,
we may find it necessary to increase these administrative services and the fees in the future
depending upon circumstances.